The Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA) provided a submission to the Australian Government Department of Social Services (DSS) in response to their discussion paper regarding the review of national disability advocacy framework.
In the submission ACDA notes that it fully supports the ongoing programmatic structural arrangements for the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP). This includes the independence of NDAP from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). ACDA believes it is essential that independent advocacy is viewed as a critical component of achieving the outcomes for both the NDIS and the National Disability Strategy (NDS).
We believe NDAP is strengthened by all models of independent advocacy, including individual advocacy, self advocacy, legal advocacy, systemic advocacy, family advocacy and citizen advocacy. We strongly support every model of advocacy, including systemic advocacy being encapsulated within the NDAP. Each model of advocacy delivers important outcomes for people with disability.
ACDA recognises the mutually supportive and beneficial roles played by DPOs and independent advocacy agencies. DPOs undertake representation of people with disability as well as self-advocacy and systemic advocacy, and some DPOs are funded under the NDAP to provide individual and other forms of advocacy.
The submission provides detailed overarching comments and recommendations and provides responses to each of the guiding questions posed by the discussion paper.