Have Your Say: Consultation Survey Launched for United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Shadow Report

A civil society CRPD Shadow Report Working Group, made up of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), disability representative and advocacy organisations is now preparing the second civil society Shadow Report and we asked for people with disability to have their say through an online survey, which is now closed.

In total, 892 people completed the survey.

Overall the findings highlight:

  • A majority of survey respondents are unable to access the support they need (61%)
  • 44% of respondents do not have access to the healthcare they need
  • A majority of survey respondents believe that healthcare workers do not understand their needs (55%)
  • 76.5% of respondents have experienced discrimination because of their disability
  • 61% of respondents cannot afford to cover their basic needs on their current income or support
  • Almost one third of respondents have experienced violence or abuse because of their disability (33%)
  • High volume of respondents with ME/CFS, with many free text comments highlighting the acute lack of support, services and research

Beyond the direct data insights from the questions, the free text comments highlighted some key themes including:

  • Issues with the NDIS
  • Issues with housing
  • Social isolation
  • Mental Health and suicide ideation

People with disability are also invited to be part of the Australian Shadow Report Delegation, to go to the United Nations in Geneva in August 2019. The Shadow Report Working Group will choose who will be in the group. Find out more here.

For Organisations

DPO’s, disability representative and advocacy organisations are encouraged to consult with people with disability in the community, and a consultation guide [DOC] has been written to support organisations with this process.


Australia signed up to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2008. This means Australia has made a commitment to protect and promote our rights. The main way that Australian Governments are doing this, is through the National Disability Strategy.

Every four years, Australia has to report to the United Nations (UN) and be reviewed on what it has achieved.  A committee of independent experts, the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Committee) does this review.

People with disability, through their representative organisations, can also report to the UN to help the Committee review  Australia.  This report is known as a civil society Shadow Report.

Australia was first reviewed by the Committee in September 2013.  A civil society Shadow Report was provided to the Committee by a working group. This group was made up of Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs), disability representative and advocacy organisations.  This report, Disability Rights Now, is available here.

An introductory video on the survey is available in Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN).  Video credits go to James Blyth from Auslan Consultancy.

2019 CRPD Review

In September 2019, Australia will be reviewed for the second time by the Committee. The Australian Government has provided its report to the Committee.  This report is Australia’s response to a List of Issues that the Committee want to know about.

A civil society working group is preparing our civil society Shadow Report to include the information people with disability provide through this survey to the Committee. This report needs to be provided to the Committee by July 2019.

2019 Civil Society CRPD Shadow Report Working Group

The civil society CRPD Shadow Report Working Group includes:

The Working Group met in November 2017 to prepare for the 2019 CRPD Review.  It has developed a project plan and is now focused on consultation with people with disability. They will get feedback from other DPOs, disability representative and advocacy organisations to inform the civil society Shadow Report.