Approximately 20% of people living in Australia are people with disability. Yet we are too often shut out of civic life, jobs, and the community. We are often subjected to numerous forms of violence, exploitation, discrimination and segregation. We are hindered by negative attitudes; a lack of disability support; unimaginative programs; and inaccessible transport, buildings, communications and information. People with disability have been excluded from Australia’s ‘fair go’ ethos.
Download the full Election Platform here: ACDA Election Policy Platform PDF 1.6mb || ACDA Election Policy Platform Word Word 1.5mb
See the special edition Election E-Bulletin here.
See what the major political parties responses were.
2016 marks the 10 year anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and this is an apt time to consider as a nation how far we have come and the ground ahead that we are still yet to cover. The roll out of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) brings much cause for celebration, yet there is still much work to be done.
In providing a blueprint for equal access to all aspects of community life, the implementation of the National Disability Strategy (NDS) is pivotal to achieving a disability inclusive society. It is also a precursor to the ability of the NDIS to deliver the goals of increased social and economic participation for people with disability. The NDIS and NDS must be progressed in parallel so that the contribution of people with disability to the ongoing strengthening of our institutions, culture and communities is fully realised, recognised and celebrated.
In this 2016 Federal election, the Australian Cross Disability Alliance (ACDA) is uniting people with disability to call on voters, government, politicians, the media and business community to join with us to build a Disability Inclusive Australia.
In doing so we call on all political candidates and political parties to commit to 13 policy priorities which will help to shape and strengthen our nation through the realisation of inclusion, equality, respect and human rights for all people with disability:
- Recast the National Disability Strategy as a mechanism for change
- Engage with people with disability and their representative organisations
- Fully fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme
- Prioritise closing the gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability
- Establish a Royal Commission into violence, abuse and neglect of people with disability
- Establish a National Redress Scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse
- End disability discrimination in immigration policy
- Guarantee equity of support for older people with disability
- Prioritise a Jobs Plan for people with disability
- Guarantee a fair and equitable social welfare system
- Invest in affordable accessible housing
- Ensure our education system is inclusive
- Make our infrastructure and communications accessible
Download the full Election Platform here: ACDA Election Policy Platform PDF 1.6mb || ACDA Election Policy Platform Word Word 1.5mb