Representation Activities (July 2015)

July 2015
Date Activity Detail
07/07/15 The 13th AWID International Forum on Women’s Rights and Development: Feminist Futures: Building Collective Power for Rights and Justice, May 5-8, 2016 Salvador, Brazil Submitted written Application for the ACDA to present a Conference session on ‘Building Alliances to Address and Prevent Gendered Disability Violence’. WWDA coordinating this initiative for and on behalf of ACDA.
22/07/15 National Roundtable: Development of the Third Action Plan for the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children ACDA member organisations represented at, and participated in, National Roundtable [Melbourne].
23/07/15 Department of Social Services: Disability Employment Services Operational Working Group (DES OWG) WWDA and PWDA represent ACDA on DES OWG. Meets bi-monthly via teleconference.
27/07/15 Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) National Practitioner Engagement Group WWDA and PWDA represent the ACDA on this group. First PEG meeting held Monday 27th July.