Consultation Survey for People With Disability

Have your say about Disability Rights in Australia. #CRPD #AusCRPDReview.

This survey is an opportunity for you, as a person with disability, to give feedback about your rights. The survey asks questions about different areas of your life.

You can choose to fill in the whole survey (15 sections), or you can pick the sections that are important to you. You can fill in as many questions as you want.

We do not ask for your name, but we do ask a bit of information about you, like your age and where you live.

The answers you give will help us write the report to the United Nations (UN) Committee about how well the Australian Government is implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

The survey is now closed.

An introductory video on the survey is available in Australian Sign Language (AUSLAN).  Video credits go to James Blyth from Auslan Consultancy.